First Time Sync

Initial Store Sync: Importing Your Complete Order History

The initial synchronization of your store is designed to comprehensively import all existing orders, tailored to the specific duration you select for importing historical data. This initial sync ensures that your store's complete order history is seamlessly integrated, allowing for a unified view of past and present transactions. By choosing the appropriate duration for past order imports, you can customize the initial sync to meet your precise needs, ensuring that no order is left behind. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate records, streamlining operations, and enhancing your store's management from day one.

Real-Time Synchronization: Keeping Your Store Updated Every 5 Minutes

TrackOrder provides real-time synchronization with a sync frequency of every 5 minutes. This means that we continuously update and sync orders from your store at this interval, ensuring a seamless and efficient operational experience. By keeping your store's data up-to-date in near real-time, we help you maintain an accurate and current overview of your order management. This frequent synchronization supports improved decision-making, enhances customer service, and facilitates smoother store operations, all contributing to a superior management experience for your store.

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