Installing TrackOrder App

How to Install TrackOrder on Your Store: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today's e-commerce landscape, providing a seamless order-tracking experience is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. That's where TrackOrder comes in. As a leading order-tracking solution specifically designed for BigCommerce stores, TrackOrder offers a robust set of features to streamline your order management and enhance customer satisfaction. Installing TrackOrder is straightforward and only takes a few minutes. Follow our simple guide below to get started.

Access Your Admin Panel

Begin by logging into the admin panel of your BigCommerce store. This is your command center, where you can manage every aspect of your store, including the addition of new apps.

Find TrackOrder in the Apps Section

Once you're in the admin panel, navigate to the 'Apps' section. Here, you'll find a plethora of apps designed to extend the functionality of your store. Use the search bar to look for "TrackOrder". Our app is designed to integrate seamlessly with your BigCommerce store, offering an enhanced order-tracking system.

Install TrackOrder

Found TrackOrder? Great! Click on the 'Install' button and follow the prompts. The installation process is designed to be intuitive, guiding you through each step. By installing TrackOrder, you're not just adding an app; you're upgrading your store's capability to provide real-time order tracking updates, manage orders efficiently, and ultimately, improve customer satisfaction.

Last updated